• Usage fees for the INDUSTRAT simulation are per “firm” and “Industry”. An industry consists of 5 firms, each run by a team of maximum of 7 participants, in competition with other teams in the same industry. If a course or seminar contains more than 35 participants, the instructor should create two industries, representing two parallel independent competitive arenas with 4-5 firms each.
  • The fees include:
    • free downloading of participant manuals, participant tutorial software, instructor manual,
    • training of instructors (by Skype or telephone),
    • training of IT support assistants, consultation and support to instructors during the course design phases and actual running of the seminar, when answering team questions,
    • immediate 24/7 IT support via Skype or telephone
  • The total fees are:


Total per Industry

University degree1


University open enrolment2


University program restricted to one or several companies


Non academic applications or in- company training


[1]The user must provide written documentation that the course or seminar are within a university degree granting program, either through location in the university web site, an official university brochure or an official university letter of confirmation

[2]The user must provide written documentation that the course or seminar are of an open enrolment nature and not restricted to one or several companies